That Jesus Christ is the founder and head of the church of Christ, which is considered His body, and that each congregation operates autonomously. There is no scriptural basis for a religious group that is both larger than the local congregation and smaller than the universal body of Christ, i.e. there is not to be an earthly ‘headquarters’ that governs over local congregations.
That the Bible is the inspired word of God and as such fully and completely states the beliefs of the church. There is no other manual, creed, confession of faith or discipline to which members of the church of Christ give their allegiance, 1 Cor. 4:6; 2 Tim. 3:16-17.
That the true church of Christ is not a denominational organization, Eph. 4:3-6
That the kingdom of God was established shortly after Jesus’s ascension to heaven and He now reigns over that kingdom, the church. Mk 9:1; Col. 1:16;
That membership in Christ’s church is essential for salvation and that one is added to Christ’s church by the grace of God only after he or she repents (turns away) from their sins, publicly confesses Jesus Christ as the Son of God and has his/her sins washed away by the blood of Jesus by being buried with Him (immersed) in the waters of baptism and subsequently being raised up with Him to a new and eternal spiritual life, Eph. 5:23; 1:20,21; Col. 2:12-13; Gal. 3:26-27.
That babies are born sinless and children are innocent; they are not born depraved but remain innocent until they can know right and wrong, at which point they become accountable for their sins and are able to make a reasoned, free will choice to obey the gospel or not, Ezek. 18:19-20, see all of the chapter.
That we will follow the scriptural teaching and observance of the Lord’s Supper. The Lord’s Supper is given to accomplish 3 things: Remember Jesus’ death; to proclaim the Lord’s death; to be a time giving thanks and self-reflection, 1 Cor. 11
That the miraculous manifestations of the Holy Spirit have ceased. The Holy Spirit does indwell each Christian as a seal that we belong to God, 1 Cor. 13.
That the church of Christ is waiting for the second coming of Christ; 1 Thess 4; 2 Peter 3.
That instrumental music used in the worship of God is unscriptural. Music in the church is only singing because God said specifically to sing, Eph. 5:19; Col. 3:16.
That men elected to the office of Elder comply with the qualifications set forth in the Bible. Titus 1 and 1 Tim. 3 gives what is imperative instead of being a list of ideals or suggestions. Someone who is unscripturally divorced or is not in a scriptural marriage cannot be an Elder. In fact they must repent to stay in the church.
That women are not to preach from the pulpit nor be elected to the office of elder. Women are not to teach men or exercise authority over men in the church, 1 Tim. 12ff; 1 Cor. 14:34; 1 Cor. 11:3.
That marriage is a symbol of the holy union between Christ and His church and is between one man and one woman for life. God’s laws concerning divorce and remarriage are clearly stated in the New Testament and are applicable to Christians and non-Christians alike. Only by reason of sexual unfaithfulness or death of a spouse can one remarry.
That sexual relations were created and ordained by God for a man and a woman in the marriage union, and anything other than heterosexual relations between a husband and a wife in that union are a sin that must be repented of and put away.
That the work of the Lord’s church is funded by the generosity of its members. Funds for the church will not be solicited from anyone other than its members.
That church discipline should be carried out as the New Testament states.
That the Bible teaches these things through commands, examples, and necessary inference.
That an obligation is laid upon its members to be a special kind of people and to take certain responsibilities for the good of the Owatonna church.
That only biblically qualified, selected and installed elders of the congregation will make the final decisions that pertain to the good of the Owatonna church. If no elders have been installed, the residing evangelist along with selected faithful baptized men of the congregation will assume that responsibility.